Saturday, July 14, 2012

Mercury Retrograde After Friday the 13th

Le Sigh.... It has officially came, though I've experienced the affects/effects it seems both anyhow of MERCURY RETROGRADE. I hate it I have unpublished Posts on how it effected my relationships during the time and it isn't pretty. I guess I feel it sooner because I'm a Virgo a defective Virgo but I'm like a Gemini in which I'm I'm normal me and sadistic psychotic me. Me being normal and my other half being Charlie Sheen Virgo. Nah I'm not that bad I don't have the balls or physical capabilities of him. But moving forward I've already managed to piss off my mother. Backed out of the plans blah blah then read my horoscope and said "Don't be alone accept sometimes you need to be part of a larger group.Concentrate on family." Too late they already left and my shit fit died down after as well. Damn it I should of read it earlier today. So here I am trying to figure out ways not to feel so damn dumb and blue. Part of me actually enjoys the solitary time, I can dance in the living room to my unique taste of music that many might find dancing to it strange. I actually can still dance good. ^_^ I still got it!

But I happened to stumble upon this site and this videos. I think if I had a $100 bucks or a job... I would pay for this but for now I can settle for this inspirational and wise video.

I hope who every stumbles upon my page... and I know I get views.... just no follows that you at least watch it.

Check out this site GalaDarling especially you chicas!

Mercury Retrograde... I'm counting the days till you officially end again..

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Polyvore Crazy.... Stalker, That Is.

-Sigh- A long one, checked my blog after a few days and it seems I must of triggered an options that auto posts everything I like to Polyvore. Since I don't have that many followers, I'm pretty sure no one really got upset. Sorry about that. >_< Might make another collage sometime soon.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Prairie Modesty

Yes! That's right this is my first set I created with Polyvore mostly with items I picked out from the internet. Well the clothes and accessories anyways. I called Prairie Modesty, I don't know it just reminds me someone from the fields might wear. I hope some people like it. *_*
Prairie Modesty

Vintage dress
$23 -

Vintage shoes
$43 -

$87 -

$15 -

Bridal hair accessory
$282 -

Silhouette Tree Wall Decal
$28 -

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Daily I Ching Hexagram Free from

Daily I Ching Hexagram Free from

Ahh when you think times would get better. Then this comes up, Oppression. Though reading it, I felt comfort and hope. I hope my dearest love will feel better too.

  Personal I Ching Hexagram:

47: Oppression

Wednesday, June 13th, 2012

General Meaning: The image of oppression conjures up a dried up lake bed with nettlesome crows stalking the shoreline. Hard times can shrivel our spirits, and give rise to a multitude of 'crows' in the form of troublesome worries. Times of great loss or personal failure break weaker people; but the strong of heart can bend with fate. To endure hard times — or even grow and benefit from them — it is essential to tap that deepest stratum of personal identity, that which is deeper even than fate, and which is incorruptible by even the harshest realities. It is essential, in other words, to tap the wellspring of human endurance: hope.

In a sense, there is no such thing as failure. There is only sweet and sour reality, and more is learned from the sour, oftentimes, than from the sweet. For failure, hard as it may be to swallow, opens the blinds to the real world, and reawakens the clarity of vision known only to those who have risked, and tasted, disappointment.

When in the throes of hard times, it is wise to be resolute and strong on the inside while remaining quietly cheerful on the outside. Avoid too much talking — except to your closest friends. Your words will have little effect on all others, since your influence will be at a low ebb — and the attempt to get across will only drain you of vital energy. Strong silence is the most skillful posture when facing the public during adversity; it shows that your inner core is strong enough to withstand the current troubles, and suggests that your recovery will be complete. At the same time, talking openly to those you trust is equally important, for in times of calamity, talking is an important part of healing.

Keep in mind that failure — the final taboo in modern society. But this is just one part of the inevitable cycle of life for those who dare to live fully and completely. Never to fail at all is to fail in the biggest way — avoiding risk altogether, you cannot help but fall far short of what might have been.

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